About us
Agape is a Seventh-Day Sabbath keeping church in Vanderbijlpark , Gauteng .

We are a Sabbath-keeping , English-speaking congregation in the C.W.6 neighborhood of Vanderbijlpark .

We believe that each of the 10 Commandments are equally important , as they are were given together at the same time , by the same God , who says about Himself , "I am the LordI change not " (Malachi 3:6) . This is the same notion that James uses to support the keeping of the 10 Commandments (James 2:10-11).
Consequently , we as his creation do not believe we have the right to cherry pick which of the ten commandments we would like to keep ,and which not .But because it is part of the ten , we still empahasize the importance of keeping the seventh day sabbth , as stipultated by the 4th Commadment(Exodus 20:8-11). Here , God commands mankind to specifically set aside the 7th day as a holy rest day .
As His creation , we are to rest from our works and follow the example that He left us . As He , the Creator, rested after He finished His work of Creation (Geneisis 2:2) and rested Seventh-Day , so we , his creatures, are reminded of that Creation account , as we cease from our own six days of work .(See Exodus 20:8-11).

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