Seventh Day-Adventist Church

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Questions every Christian needs to ask in the last days

What is the Sabbath ?

Among the 10 Commandements , is God's desire for the human race to rest every 7th day.However , society has been confused to choose Sunday(1st day of the week) as a sabbath.Find out who chnaged the day of worship and why the world has been led to forgot the 4th Commandment(The only one God commanded that we remember ...)

What is the Mark of the Beast?

Many popular theories and conspiracies exist regardging the identity of the beast and what it's dreaded mark is . However , verse-by-verse comparisons(not speculation or opinion) of the book of Daniel and Revelation reveals the definite identity of the beast , and what the actual mark is.

How to be ready when Jesus comes?

It is fast apporaching.No one will be able to hide from it.Lo! He comes and "everyone will see Him(Revelation 1:7). This is how to get ready ...

What is the true church of God ?

As you read this , know that new churches and cults, with differing teachings and practices are rapidly springing up across the world , all claim to adhere to the one true faith.Confusing , right ? If "God is not the author of confusion" (1 Corinthians 14:33) and there is one Bible , "one Spirit , one Lord , one Faith and one bapitism.." as Paul puts it ( Ephesian 4:5 ), why then are there so many differing variations of Christianity .Of the over 45,000 denominations that exist as of 2025 , how sure /certain are you that you are in God's one and true , according to Scripture? Letsdive into the Bible and identify from it the characteristics of the true church church of God .

Health/Beating disease

The human body is under attack .The food climate , education and healthcare systems are destroying us from the inside out ,causing physical and spiritual disease .
Explore the significant link between the physical condition and spiritual experience.Our bodies are a temple belonging to the Lord(1 Corinth 6 :19-20) .In them , there is to be no disease (Exodus 15:26-27).

What are 3 Angles Messages in Revelation

The Three Angels’ Messages are special warning messages from God to last-day Christians. These messages are to be shared with the world and everyone will need to make the destiny-determining choice just before the 7 last plagues and the Second coming of Jesus Christ . This these 3 last messages appear in Revelaton 14:6-16. AS the climax of the world's history draws closer , the time has come for you to decide where your loyalty lies...

Feel Free to come and visit us!

We believe in the Bible and study it diligently to help one another prepare and live in expectation of Jesus’s Second Coming . If you’re you are like-minded ,feel free to visit us or join our church family  of like-minded believers.  

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